Outdoor advertising
Posters are a part of out-of-home media. The presentation of backlit posters is done in display boxes or street furniture components like mega-displays or billboards. To install these street furniture components on public ground, city councils have to agree. To get these permissions (Europe, Asia and part of the US) services and fees are offered to the cities by the outdoor advertisers.
In Europe there is a heavy competition for public spots to do advertising in different poster formats since these spots generate high contact figures – means many people can possibly remember a presented advertising message on a major road or square.
The presentation of this advertising has to fit in the overall public planning rules of cities and their architecture. These requirements lead to interesting design approaches for poster presentation in different formats.
Street furniture families were designed to fit these needs. Over the years they were completed with additional components like restrooms and automatic toilet facilities and kiosks to name a few.
To finance this infrastructure long term contracts (10 to 15 years) are signed between cities and outdoor advertising companies.
Cities are often put in a situation to decide on new concepts when they are not familiar with the issues, since new contracts occur only very seldom. A special advisor, City Outdoor Advisor, closes this knowledge gap. COA gives cities some independent ideas on how to act in this surrounding (rather than reacting) since public grounds cannot be enlarged.